I'm pleased to inform you that yet another of my pet-projects,
ExpressProfiler, joined the rapidly growing family of
Ecosystem-based tools for SQL Server.
You may ask me, "why should I use ExpressProfiler if there is standard profiler supplied with SQL Server?"
There are a number of reasons:
First - not every edition of SQL Server has a profiler. The Express edition didn’t benefit from a profiler until 2012SP1.
Of course you can buy the inexpensive Developer Edition, but what will you do on environments where only SQLExpress is installed? Will you install The Developer Edition? Of course not. The solution is to download ExpressProfiler, which doesn't need to be installed. Simply copy a single executable and run it! (it also comes with an optional installer.)
Okay. You may say, "I already have the Standard (or even Enterprise) edition of SQL Server. Why do I need ExpresProfiler?"
1. It is small and simple.
2. It is always ready for action (especially when launched from SSMS, which supplies it with your server connection settings)
3. It is fast. I'm not joking. When you are working in a remote session with servers in your datacenter, ExpressProfiler is much faster than the standard profiler due to its far simpler UI.