Wednesday, May 20, 2015

SqlSaturday 377, Kiev, May 23 - only 3 days left

Hello everyone!
As you may already know - on 23rd May in Kiev will be held SqlSaturday 377.
Hurry up!
You can meet many famous speakers, including Kevin Boles, Benjamin Nevares, Dmitri Korotkevitch, Satya Jayanty, Mihail Mateev, Boris Hristov, Dmitry Piliugin and other.
Also you can attend 3 Pre-cons:
Kevin Boles. Tune Like A Guru! -
Dmitri Korotkevitch. SQL Server Internals from the practical angle. -
Benjamin Nevarez. SQL Server Query Tuning & Optimization. -
Session schedule can be found here
Follow SqlSaturday 377 at Twitter -  #sqlsatkiev
See you in Kiev at SqlSaturday 377!

Monday, May 4, 2015

SQL Code Guard v2.8 released

Main change - SCG moved back to .Net framework 3.0 to restore support of SSMS 2008/2008R2
Few small fixes, additional logging, nothing critical.

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Using SQL Code Guard TFS Checkin Policy with VS2013

To use TFS Checking policy the first thing that you must do - is to add policy to your TFS source control
The process itself is pretty simple

  1. Install SQL Code Guard at target computer. Please remember that you will need to have SCG installed on each computer on which you will do checkin to project with SCG policy enabled.
  2. Register SQL Code Guard with VS - devenv /setup
  1. add checking policy
    1. select TFS collection / project
    2. open menu TEAM -> Team Project Settings -> Source Control
    3. Select Check-in Policy tab
    4. click Add button
    5. select SQLCodeGuard.CheckinPolicy policy and press OK button
    6. Press OK to close "Source control settings" dialog

Now you can try to use/test checkin policy
  1. add (or edit) sql file in TFS
  2. select "Pending changes"
  3. If you didnt placed SQL Code Guard settings file in project directory then you will get message "Unable to find settings"
  4. if there are issues in script file - you will see warning message

You can doubleclick on message and error list window with full set of of issues will appear

Doubleclick on issue will navigate you to location of issue.
That's all, folks!